• News
  • 27-30 June 2016 As a final conference of the network we organize the International Workshop on Mathematical Imaging and Emerging Modalities in Osnabrück
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  • 16-18 March 2016 Several projects of our network will be presented at the 6th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging in Lübeck
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  • 24-25 September 2015 A forth meeting of the network is organized at the UKE in Hamburg
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  • 22-23 September 2015 A minisymposium of the network is organized at the annual meeting of the DMV in Hamburg
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  • 10-12 June 2015 The third meeting of the network takes place at Bruker Biospin in Ettlingen
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  • 9-11 February 2015 The second meeting of the network takes place at the Helmholtz Center Munich
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  • 6-7 November 2014 The first meeting of the network takes place at the Universität zu Lübeck
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  • 1 August 2014 The DFG project "Mathematical Methods in Magnetic Particle Imaging" is starting
  • DFG-Project
    ER 777/1-1


    Wolfgang Erb
    Universität zu Lübeck
    Institut für Mathematik
    Ratzeburger Allee 160 (Gebäude 64 - 3. OG)
    23562 Lübeck

    Tel: +49 451 500 3152
    Fax: +49 451 500 3373
    E-mail: erbmath.uni-luebeck.de